The conventional ultrasonic method is based on the acoustic impedance mismatch, which causes ultrasonic waves to reflect when encountering a boundary between materials with different acoustic impedances.
Therefore, if the acoustic impedance of the base material (i.e., the healthy part of the member) and the defect (such as a cavity, crack, wall thinning, corroded area, etc.) are different, the location and size of the defect can be estimated by receiving the reflected waves.
However, if the crack surfaces facing each other are closed, the ultrasonic waves may pass through without scattering, and the reflected waves cannot be received.
In such circumstances, a crack may be missed or the crack depth may be underestimated.
Nonlinear ultrasonic testing is expected to address this issue by detecting and measuring closed cracks.
In nonlinear ultrasonic testing, a large-amplitude incident wave is directed into cracks, inducing vibrations of the crack faces with contact.
As a result, the received wave includes nonlinear ultrasonic waves, which consist of higher-harmonic and sub-harmonic wave components.
The higher-harmonic and sub-harmonic waves correspond to integer multiples and integer fractions of the incident frequency, respectively.
We investigate the generation mechanism and quantitatively evaluate these waves using numerical simulations.
T. Maruyama: Harmonic balance-boundary element and continuation methods for steady-state wave scattering by interior and surface-breaking cracks with contact acoustic nonlinearity, International Journal of Solids and Structures 210-211, pp.310-324 (2021).
(Ultra)sonic waves propagate over long distances with low attenuation as guided waves in elongate structures such as plates, rods, and pipes.
Therefore, guided waves are expected to allow inspection from long distances and in hard-to-access locations compared to conventional ultrasonic inspection techniques that use P and S waves.
Guided waves exhibit properties of dispersion and multi-modes, which depend on the shape and material of the waveguide.
Furthermore, scattering phenomena of guided waves due to defects (such as voids, cracks, thinning, and corrosion) are complex, and numerical approaches are helpful in understanding them.
In our laboratory, we are also studying the detection of water leakage in water supply pipes by measuring the (ultra)sound.
Our objective is to develop a technology that can monitor large-diameter pipes from manhole positions by expanding the measurement limits of the existing technologies.
For this purpose, we are focusing on the properties of guided waves in water supply pipes buried in the ground.