Maruyama Lab.

最近の出来事 News & Topics

松尾太聖さん(愛媛大学,2023年3月修士課程修了),中畑和之 教授(愛媛大学)と共著の論文がComputational Mechanicsに採択されました.NEW
An article co-authored with Mr. Taisei Matsuo and Prof. Kazuyuki Nakahata (Ehime University) has been accepted for publication in Computational Mechanics.
One M1 student and one B4 student have joined Maruyama Lab.
Hana Shoji (B4) and Sumika Yamada (B4) received Kimura Award.
神田昂亮 博士(電力中央研究所)と共著の論文がEngineering Analysis with Boundary Elementsに採択されました.NEW
An article co-authored with Dr. Kosuke Kanda (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry) has been accepted for publication in Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements.
神田昂亮 博士(電力中央研究所)と共著の論文がInternational Journal of Solids and Structuresに採択されました.
An article co-authored with Dr. Kosuke Kanda (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry) has been accepted for publication in International Journal of Solids and Structures.
We have started to open the website of our Lab.
Two B4 students have joined Maruyama Lab.
丸山が東京工業大学 環境・社会理工学院 土木・環境工学系に着任し,丸山研究室がスタートしました.
Maruyama Lab. started.

研究 Research

丸山研究室では,構造物や機械の健全性評価技術の開発・発展を目的として,(超)音波を用いた非破壊評価・モニタリング技術について研究を行っています. 主に,固体中での(超)音波の伝搬や散乱現象の解明や適切な利用のため,数値シミュレーションを活用したアプローチを行っています.
Our research objectives are to develop and advance evaluation techniques for the integrity of structures and machinery. To achieve this, we use numerical methods to elucidate and appropriately use ultrasonic wave propagation and scattering in solids.

  • 研究内容の紹介(Introduction of Research Topics)
  • 学位論文テーマ(Research Topics of Thesis)
  • メンバー Members

    The number of members is small because Maruyama Lab. started in April 2023. We hope to grow in the future.

    メンバーリスト Member List
    Associate Professor
    丸山 泰蔵
    Taizo MARUYAMA
    M1 生子 花
    Hana SHOJI
    留学中(École nationale des ponts et chaussées)
    In studying abroad
    M1 山田 純花
    Sumika YAMADA
    M1 Yan YANG
    B4 豊島 直生

    業績 Publications

    近年,国際誌に発表した業績のみをここに載せています. その他も含めた詳細はreseachmapを参照してください. 下線は丸山研究室メンバー,青色は丸山の指導学生を示しています.
    Recent publications in international journals are listed here, and further details and other achievements can be found on researchmap. The underlined text indicates a member of Maruyama Lab., and the blue color indicates a student directed by Maruyama.

    1. T. Maruyama, T. Matsuo, and K. Nakahata: Numerical study on guided-wave reflection and transmission at water pipe joint using hybrid finite element method, Computational Mechanics (2024). DOI: 10.1007/s00466-024-02505-0 NEW
    2. T. Maruyama, K. Kanda, and S. Yamada: Three-dimensional hybrid SAFE-BEM for elastic guided-wave scattering in a plate with finite width, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 163, pp.426-435 (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.enganabound.2024.03.027 NEW
    3. T. Maruyama and K. Kanda: Derivation of an in-plane amplitude equation and its paraxial approximation for elastic guided waves in plates, International Journal of Solids and Structures 281, No.112420 (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2023.112420
    4. K. Kanda and T. Maruyama: Theoretical analysis of forced Lamb waves using the method of multiple scales and Green's function method, Acta Mechanica 234, pp.3533-3546 (2023). DOI: 10.1007/s00707-023-03573-8
    5. D. Kumar, D. Singh, S. K. Tomar, S. Hirose, T. Saitoh, A. Furukawa, and T. Maruyama: Reflection of plane waves from the stress-free boundary of a nonlocal elastic solid half-space containing double porosity, Archive of Applied Mechanics 93, pp.2145-2173 (2023). DOI: 10.1007/s00419-023-02377-5
    6. K. Kanda and T. Maruyama: Theoretical analysis of the dispersion of Lamb waves forming a wave packet of finite-bandwidth using the method of multiple scales, International Journal of Solids and Structures 234-235, No.111268 (2022). DOI: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2021.111268
    7. K. Nakahata, T. Maruyama, and S. Hirose: Application of a Particle Filter to Flaw Identification for Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation: Assimilation of Simulated and Measured Data, Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 40, No.34 (2021). DOI: 10.1007/s10921-021-00765-x
    8. T. Maruyama: Harmonic balance-boundary element and continuation methods for steady-state wave scattering by interior and surface-breaking cracks with contact acoustic nonlinearity, International Journal of Solids and Structures 210-211, pp.310-324 (2021). DOI: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2020.11.007
    9. T. Touhei and T. Maruyama: Pseudo-projection approach to reconstruct locations of point-like scatterers characterized by Lame parameters and mass densities in an elastic half-space, International Journal of Solids and Structures 169, pp.187-204 (2019). DOI: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2019.04.019
    10. T. Maruyama and T. Touhei: Steady-state anti-plane shear wave scattering by a crack with friction, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 143, pp.3545-3556 (2019). DOI: 10.1121/1.5042163
    11. T. Maruyama T. Saitoh, and S. Hirose: Numerical study on sub-harmonic generation due to interior and surface breaking cracks with contact boundary conditions using time-domain boundary element method, International Journal of Solids and Structures 126-127, pp.74-89 (2017). DOI: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2017.07.029
    12. T. Maruyama, T. Saitoh, T. Q. Bui, and S. Hirose: Transient elastic wave analysis of 3-D large-scale cavities by fast multipole BEM using implicit Runge-Kutta convolution quadrature, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 303, pp.231-259 (2016). DOI: 10.1016/j.cma.2016.02.002

    所属希望者へ To Prospective Members


    For international students:
    Maruyama Lab. research is related to nondestructive evaluation and structural health monitoring for structures. The specific research topics are mainly numerical and theoretical analyses of elastic waves (waves propagating in solids). Therefore, mathematics, physics, and programming are used in our research activities. Even when we work on ultrasonic measurement experiments, we use mathematics, physics, and programming focusing on physical interpretations. The programming language is mainly Fortran in Maruyama Lab. Please consider IGP(A) and IGP(C) for enrollment (see Tokyo Tech webpage).
    For postdocs:
    Please consider JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research in Japan (Standard Program).
    If you have an interest, please contact me via email.

    連絡先 Contacts

    東京工業大学 環境・社会理工学院 土木・環境工学系
    大岡山キャンパス 西8号館 W302(丸山居室),W301(学生室)
    〒152-8550 東京都目黒区大岡山2丁目12-1(メールボックス W8-22)

    Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, School of Environment and Society, Tokyo Institute of Technology.
    W302 (Maruyama's office) and W301 (student's room), West Building W8, Ookayama Campus.
    (Mailbox W8-22), 2-12-1, Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, 152-8550, Japan.

    TEL/FAX: 03-5734-2692
    メールアドレスは[a.t.]を@に変更して使用してください. 電話は取れない場合も多いため,基本的にメールでご連絡いただけると幸いです.
    Please change [a.t.] to @ in the email address. We encourage you to contact us via email.